How-to find a service kit or spare parts for my FOX fork or rear shock?
Finding the right service kit or spare part is not an easy task for a rider. But there is a certain procedure that helps to facilitate the search.
1. Find the serial number or on the fork or rear shock. You can see where it is in this photo:
2. Go to FOX SHOX website: and put serial number or 4 digit code.
2. This will take you to a page with information about your fork or rear shock:
3. You can choose the required section. You need to look carefully at the years of manufacture and modification of your fork, rear shock or dropper post.
If you need a service kit code with service manual, click on the link marked as "Service".
Here you will find the necessary list of service products and tools.
If you need to find a part for your fork, shock, or seatpost, select the link marked as "Partlist".
Next, you need to copy manufacturer code (XXXX-XX-XX) of the part and copy it into the search on our website -
Also, the FOX SHOX website will offer you to view the parts catalog, where you can find an extended list of service kits and a complete list of parts for your fork or shock.
I don't have a serial number on the fork or shock.
If the serial number or 4 digit code isn't on your fork or shock, you'll need to get the full model name, wheel size, travel, and year of manufacture.
For example, you can see these information in the technical description of your bike.
It is much more difficult to identify a fork or shock visually. In addition to the model itself, all possible settings must be identified, which complicates the task.
If you have any problems with this, please email us ([email protected]) with attached photos and we will try to help you.
Then when you have the information about fork r shock, you can find a service kit or parts on the FOX SHOX website.
For 2013 and older components, select a section "2013 AND EARLIER PRODUCT INFO".
For 2014 and newer components, select a section "2014-CURRENT PRODUCT INFO";
Useful categories of FOX SHOX products: